Awards were given at the Member Appreciation and Awards Dinner as follows:
Alvin Martindale 32°of Eastgate Lodge #650 received the "PRIMUS INTER PARES". a Latin phrase meaning "first among equals". It is given to someone who works behind the scenes to make our reunions a success.
Don Jones 33° elect of Daylight Lodge #660 received the Loring Parker Award. It is given for outstanding degree or ritual work.
Adam Clemons 32° of Clarion was awarded the Blosser Award for his membership recruitment efforts.
The outstanding new member awards are given to a Scottish Rite Mason who has been a member less than 18 months and has contributed in an outstanding manner. The following new members were recognized:
Daniel Beyer of Waveland Park Lodge #654
Don Calkin of Ashlar Lodge # 111
Nathan Hedin Schmidt of Mt. Vernon #112
Tony Batcheller of Gnemeth #577
Craig Luchtel of Signet # 264
Steven Dahl and Russ Saffell of Acanthus #632