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Tuesday, August 30, 2011
September 7th - Quarterly Meeting and Elections - University of Freemasonry
The quarterly meeting and elections for the Des Moines Consistory and Council of Kadosh will be held on Wednesday, September 7th. In addition to the quarterly meeting, there will be a special University of Freemasonry program on the Scottish Rite versions of the Symbolic Lodge degrees.
These degrees were written in the 1870's by Albert Pike and were meant to supplement the teachings in the craft degrees. They utilize symbolism, lectures, and ceremonies from early French, Scottish, English, and German sources. One of the characters featured in these degrees is the "Terrible Brother" come join us to learn more about him and others.
The evening will begin at 6:30 pm with dinner ($8) followed by the quarterly meeting and University of Freemasonry program at 7:30 pm. This event is for Scottish Rite Masons only. Please RSVP for dinner,rsvp@dmscottishrite.org or 515-288-8927.
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