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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Feast of Tishri

 The Feast of Tishri is celebrated in many Valley’s of the Scottish Rite
and commemorates the dedication of King Solomon’s Temple. It
also commemorates the period after the exodus from Egypt during
which the Jews wandered in the wilderness and lived in huts. It relates to
the general celebration of Thanksgiving. The Feast of Tishri is an essential
part of the Fourteenth Degree and alludes to the symbolic details of the
Temple’s position, design, construction, furnishing, and decoration
as the metaphorical temple of Freemasonry built in the
heart of every brother.
We learn to recommit ourselves to building Freemasonry “in
the hearts of men and among nations.” The consecration of the Temple
teaches the equality and unity of all members of the Rite.

In the Feast of Tishri, all Perfect Elus and those of higher Degrees can join at the banquet table and share the bond of fraternal unity. The law, legendry,
peace, quality, unity, and fellowship of the Feast of Tishri combine to make this the Masonic feast of feasts.*

A very large group of over one hundred Scottish Rite Masons gathered to celebrate the Feast of Tishri in the Grand Ballroom of the Des Moines Consistory.

There was a time for socialization and a chance to visit with each other before the Feast and the Brethren took full advantageof the time to greet and talk.

The table was arranged in a Table Lodge format and as is usual at a Table Lodge there was singing and Masonic Toasts.

Following a Salad Course there were three Toasts

Each toast was led by a different officer of the Rite.
 The first toast was To Our Country.

The Double Eagle Chorus performed the anthem, God Bless America.

2nd Toast: To our Symbolic Lodges and all Master Masons.

3rd Toast: To Worshipful Masters and the Grand Master.

At this point we at the most delicious perfectly prepared steak dinner ever served at the Scottish Rite.  Dick Hudnel and the Kitchen Krew outdid themselves.

Following dinner the remainder of the Toasts were given.

4th Toast: To the Master of Kadosh and Personal Representative

5th Toast: To the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite

6th Toast to the memory of our Departed Brethren

and finally the 7th Toast: To all poor distressed Master Masons wherever dispersed

We closed by singing
"God Speed Freemasonry"

Dear Brothers of the plumb and square
  Come join in cheerful song;
Let every heart and voice prepare
The glad notes to prolong.

We're brothers of the Mystic Tie
We're brothers True and Free
Then let our song ascend on high - 
God Speed Freemasonry!

*From the Washington D C Scottish Rite Progress

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