Mark Your Calendar for the 2014 Meals from the Heartland Project!
In what has become an annual event,
The meals we pack will be distributed throughout Iowa as well as around the world to those most in need. The project will begin on Sunday morning at 9:30 am. While the packaging is a big part of the job, there will also be bins to refill, boxes to be made and a truck to be loaded. Lunch will be provided by our Scottish Rite "Kitchen Krew". Our goal is to complete the packing by 2:30 pm. Anyone can help with this important project so invite your friends and family to help make a difference during this time of giving.
This project was made possible by a grant made to the Des Moines Valley by the Iowa Scottish Rite Masonic Foundation. Please let the Scottish Rite office know of your attendance so we can plan ahead. 515-288-8927 or
You're Invited!
Scottish Rite Annual Holiday Party
and Installation of Officers
Our 2014 Holiday Party will feature holiday music and a fabulous buffet and dessert. There will also be holiday cheer, merriment and of course, Brotherhood.
It is free for all attendees.
6:30 PM Installation of 2015 Officers Consistory Auditorium
7:00 PM 2014 Holiday Party
Tapestry Room
New 2015 Officers:
Master of Kadosh: Bryce B. Hildreth, 33°
Commander, Council of Kadosh:
Gregory R. Spooner, 32° KCCH
1st Lieutenant Commander: Ryan A. Genest 32°
2nd Lieutenant Commander: Robert E. Buising Jr., 32°
To make reservations, please call 515-288-8927 or
We hope to celebrate with you on December 10th!
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