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Thursday, June 16, 2016

Scottish Rite Express ~ Reunion Schedule

Valley of Des Moines
Orient of Iowa

June 16, 2016

The 2016 Summer Reunion will honor three members of the Knight Commander Court of Honour, Charles V. Carpenter, James "Scotty" McDonald Jr., and Robert J. Mickle.

This reunion will begin with dinner on Friday evening, June 24th and will feature the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 14th degrees.  On Saturday, June 25th we will confer the 15th, 16th, 18th, 20th, 29th, 30th, and 32nd degrees.  This shortened reunion format will allow a Master Mason to complete his journey through the Scottish Rite in just one weekend, yet still receive many of the great lessons and lectures of our degrees.

The cost to join Scottish Rite is $325 ($275 if less than 31 years of age) and includes the 2016 dues.  Candidates will receive all meals, a copy of the book "A Bridge to Light", the 14th Degree Pyramid, and a 32nd degree pin, Patent of Membership, and Class picture.

                     Friday, June 24, 2016
4:30 pm              Class Assembles
5:00 pm              Dinner
6:00 pm              Opening of Reunion & Receive Class
6:20 pm              4th Degree - Secret Master
7:10 pm              5th Degree - Perfect Master
7:55 pm              6th Degree - Confidential Secretary
8:35 pm              14th Degree - Perfect Elu
9:30 pm              Dismiss

                  Saturday, June 25, 2016
8:00 am              15th Degree - Knight of the East
9:10 am              16th Degree - Prince of Jerusalem
10:15 am            18th Degree - Knight Rose Croix
11:25 am            Class Picture
11:40 am            Reunion Honoree Luncheon
12:25 pm            20th Degree - Master of the Symbolic Lodge
1:20 pm              29th Degree - Knight of St. Andrew
2:15 pm              30th Degree - Knight Kadosh
3:35 pm              32nd Degree - Master of the Royal Secret
5:30 pm              Social Hour / Dismiss

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