Double Eagle Gala
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Bryce B. Hildreth, Master of Kadosh and the officers of the Des Moines Scottish Rite cordially invite you and your lady to the 2015 Double Eagle Gala
6:00 pm \ Social Hour
Hors de oeuvres and libations
7:00 pm \ Consistory Reunion Banquet
Honoring the John D. Japhet, 33° &
Alfred L. Jensen 32° KCCH Memorial Classes
Choice of Beef Tenderloin or Salmon
Vegetarian option available
Roasted New Potatoes
Vegetable Medley
White Raspberry Mousse Torte
Banquet by Baratta's Restaurant & Catering
8:00 pm \Double Eagle Gala
Dance Music provided by Freestyle Dance Band
Please reserve ASAP \ Black Tie Optional
15 new Knights Rose Croix!
The Fall Reunion in honor of Alfred L. Jensen, 32° KCCH and John D. Japhet, 33° began this past weekend as we preformed the Lodge of Perfection and Chapter Rose Croix degrees for 15 new members. It is our pleasure to welcome them to Scottish Rite.
Please congratulate them on becoming a member of the Scottish Rite. They will finish their Scottish Rite journey on November 13/14 taking the 19th to 32nd degrees.
Double Eagle Gala - November 14th
The Double Eagle Gala is our celebration of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. It is a chance to recognize our new Scottish Rite members, pay tribute to our reunion honorees, honor our new 50 year members and share Scottish Rite with our friends and family.
Our 2015 Double Eagle Gala will take place on Saturday, November 14th following the 32nd degree, Master of the Royal Secret. We will begin with social hour at 6:00 pm, our banquet at 7:00 pm and "Freestyle" dance band begins at 8:00 pm. The menu for dinner is a choice of beef tenderloin or salmon catered by Baratta's. This is a very special evening and we hope you and your lady will attend our celebration.
The cost is $45 per person. Please rsvp by November 6th.
Meals from the Heartland - November 29th
Our annual charity project supporting the "Meals from the Heartland" will take place on Sunday, November 29th. We will begin at 10:00 am and expect to finish up around 2:30 pm if all goes well. Hopefully, this allows for some flexibility for everyone to attend and help out. Feel free to join us for at any time during the event to help out as we always have plenty to do from beginning to end.
As we have done for the past several years we will pack 32,000 meals for those most in need. This a great family event and there are plenty of ways to help regardless of age or ability.
Lunch and cookies will be provided to all in attendance at no charge. Please help us out by calling or emailing the SR office (515-288-8927 or with the number in your party so we can have plenty of food for everyone.
The funding for the purchase of the 32,000 meals comes from a grant given to Des Moines Consistory by the Iowa Scottish Rite Masonic Foundation in the amount of $5000.00.
2015 Japhet/Jensen Full Reunion Schedule
5:45 PM 19th Degree Grand Pontiff
6:45 PM 20th Degree Master of the Symbolic Lodge
7:45 PM 21st Degree Noachite or Prussian Knight
8:55 PM 22nd Degree Knight of the Royal Axe
7:30 AM 23rd Degree Chief of the Tabernacle
8:05 AM 24th Degree Prince of the Tabernacle
8:55 AM 25th Degree Knight of the Brazen Serpent
9:35 AM 26th Degree Prince of Mercy
10:15 AM 27th Degree Knight of the Sun
11:15 AM 28th Degree Knight Commander of Temple
11:50 AM LUNCH
12:40 PM 29th Degree Scottish Knight of St. Andrew
1:25 PM 30th Degree Knight Kadosh
2:50 PM 31st Degree Inspector Inquisitor
4:00 PM 32nd Degree Master of the Royal Secret (1st)
4:55 PM 32nd Degree Master of the Royal Secret (2nd)
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